Northbridge Golf Club

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What is the Effect of Temperature on Golf Balls?

When it comes to the game of golf, many factors come into play that can influence a golfer’s performance on the course. One significant element that often goes overlooked is the effect of temperature on golf ball behaviour. The relationship between temperature and golf performance is a complex and fascinating area of study that can greatly affect a golfer’s game. … Read More

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5 Common Chipping Mistakes in Golf: How to Avoid Them

Chipping is an important part of golf, but it can be tricky to master. By being aware of these 5 common chipping mistakes – fat shots, thin shots, and the clubhead following the ball – you can work to improve your chipping game. Remember to keep your weight forward, your hands ahead of the ball, and your clubhead stable through impact. … Read More

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How Many Holes Are There in a Standard Golf Course?

Golf is a popular sport enjoyed by millions around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, understanding the basics of the game is crucial to improving your skills and having fun. One fundamental aspect of golf is the number of holes on a standard golf course. But have you ever wondered how many holes are typically found on a golf course? … Read More

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